Buy $CHAR Tokens
You will be able to buy $CHAR tokens once liquidity has been added on PancakeSwap through
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You will be able to buy $CHAR tokens once liquidity has been added on PancakeSwap through
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In order to be part of the Gundam Token (4-US.Finance) project, you must purchase $CHAR tokens from a decentralized exchange using Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We will have liquidity pools created on one DEX:
PancakeSwap Decentralized Exchange
Use This Link To Purchase $CHAR on PancakeSwap
Add The $CHAR Contract Address To Your Wallet: 0x2BeA1b5F85Edc1CC0848D49abB00F053dC2BDAf0
--> This is such a problem for many we want to make sure that you read this again. BE SURE the url for the PancakeSwap you are using to do the exchanges ends in .finance
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